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Things round here should get up and running again, the new computer is killing it, and I just got a pack of CS3 hawt stuff so I have been on a rampage. Illustrator is like the new black book. WOOOO!


Heres a little something I have been "thinking" about for a while, did a few of these a while back, but I am redoin all of them and making them super slick (think "my weird version of osx icons).
If you have no clue what these are and happened upon this blog by chance, the mickey mouse hands I referenced mickey mouse (no dur rite), and the weapons are all melee(sp) weapon options for the game Team Fortress 2 (PC).
THIS IS A WIP, updates will be posted as I finish chunks. Next post or two should be the final. Thanks for looking!

Getting on a little farther now...


Finishing them up//


I am still working on these, just been a busy past 2 weeks, had a show that I had to play with SLOPPY as we just got signed to a label, and then doing some free design for cats bullhonky. I will be finishing these avatars up soon here so hold those horses. By the way check out my music page, WE JUST GOT SIGNED TO A LABEL BABY OH GOD YEAH>